Black Knight Magnum Corona6
Characteristics of the Magnum Corona6 :
This stiff bridged frame is an ideal racquet for those players looking to sharpen up their control while letting the racquet provide the power with an easier swing.
Magnum Corona 6 features a wider stringing pattern for greater power than the original Corona. The racquet still features 140g weight, balanced head light and is rated as stiff. Also new to the racquet is the Thermal Core process, where the racquet is pressurized with super heated air while it is being cured, for uniform results inside the frame and out. This process strengthens and stabilizes the frame, eliminating irregularities and producing consistent results from one racquet to another, including greater durability and faster racquet recovery during impact.
The Corona 6 is also a Power of 6 frame, analyzed under stress at 6 key points, with the resulting data used to fine tune the racquet until the best performance results are achieved.
16K fibre is used in this model for greater durability and the racquet is strung with Ashaway Supernick Micro for better performance. Rad Cushion Grip for superior grip control and Black knights famous 45 day NO-FAULT guarantee
String : SuperNick Micro
Recommended Tension : 25-29lbs lbs
Rigidity Index : 90
Avg. Frame Weight : 140g
String Area : 475 cm2
Dynamic Weight : 135g
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